Saturday, January 26, 2008

Home Based Business- 7 Great Reasons to Start Your Own

Are you tired of working for someone else, always working more but never getting paid more? Are you tired of never being able to show up for your child's school events, because you have a boss breathing down your neck?

Millions of Americans are starting their own home-based business. It doesn't matter if you are young or old, have a masters degree or a high school diploma. You can start your own home-based business with very little start up cost. I'm going to give you a few reasons why you should do this.

1. More time with family- This is something we all want. Think about this. You work 9-5. This is eight hours a day spent with your boss and coworkers, not counting the hour it took you to get to work and back home. You arrive home at 6 pm. Your kids are so excited to see you. They want to tell you all about their day at school. You try to listen attentively while you cook dinner. After you have all eaten and maybe watched a television program together, it's time to put the kids to bed. It's now 8:30 pm. You read the kids a short bedtime story. They quietly drift off to sleep. You look at their precious little faces, and your heart aches that you don't get to spend more quality time with your family. Why should you have to give your boss and coworkers the best part of you?

If you're a parent with a traditional 9-5 job, this is probably something you deal with everyday. You go to work day in and day out, spending the best part of the day with your boss and coworkers. You are left with just a few short hours when you get home every evening to spend time with your kids and husband while in between you are trying to cook dinner. This isn't how it should be, but you ask yourself, what else can you do? You are stuck in the daily grind of your job. You still have bills to pay and groceries to buy. Why not think about starting your own home-based business.

You don't have to be worried about quitting your current job to do this. Get on the internet and start looking. You will be overwhelmed at first. A home-based business can offer you the quality time with your family you truly deserve.

2. Flexibility- How many people can honestly say they go to work in their PJ's every morning, take a break whenever they feel like it, and run errands whenever they want to? A home-based business can offer you this kind of flexibility. Most people can't afford to quit their day job to start a new business, but it's ok. Here's where the flexibility part begins to play in.

Most home-based businesses can be started on a part time basis. You may only work your business a few hours a week. It's not the quantity of time, it's the quality of time you put into it that matters. Work your business whenever it fits into your schedule. It may be late after the kids go to bed or it may be early before anyone gets up. You decide!

3.NO Boss- Do You get tired of punching a time clock, someone constantly looking over your shoulder, telling you when and where to take a break? With your own home-based business, you're the captain of the ship. You are the boss. This means you are going to have to be disciplined. No one is going to do it for you. Just because you are at home doesn't mean you can spend 6 hours a day watching your favorite soap opera.

Write down some goals. This will help keep you focused as you grow your new business. Always know your "why". This is very important, as this is the reason you started your new business. When things get tough and you get frustrated, remind yourself of your "why".

4. NO Commuting- How would you like to save the money you spend every week on gas and use it towards a vacation. The average American is spending anywhere between $2.15-$3.00 per gallon of gas. What if you are driving sixty to a hundred miles round trip to work. Look at the money you could be saving in gas alone if you do not have to commute.

Plug in the numbers and see for yourself what kind of savings you could have. Not only are you going to be saving on gas, but the wear and tear on your car. This all adds up quickly.

5. Financial Stability- Do you avoid checking your mail like the plague because your afraid of what is inside. Does your phone ring off the hook because creditors are hounding you? If this sounds like your life, you may want to think about starting your own home based business. Starting your own business can give you that extra income you need to pay off those bills without quitting your current job. Once you get your feet on the ground, if you are willing to give your business 1-3 years for growth, you could surpass your current income while saving in other areas.

Most Americans carry an average of $8-$10,000 worth of credit card debt. Almost anyone can get a credit card these days. Most people should have only one credit card for emergencies. Think about getting one with a small credit line. If you only have a $1,500 credit limit, you can probably handle this. If you have one with a $5-$10,00 credit limit, you can get in over your head before you know it. I say this from experience. The smaller credit balances are better.

Financial freedom is something we all dream about, but for most of us it's not going to happen with our current jobs. The right home-based business has the ability to offer you and your family the financial freedom we all long for.

6. NO Daycare- Wouldn't it be a great feeling each morning to wake up and know your children are going to be with you all day and not some stranger? This is one of the hardest decisions we as parents have to make after having children. Having a home-based business allows you to stay at home with your children full time. You will be the one to hold them when they are sick, see their first steps, and hear their first words.

If you are one of the lucky parents who are fortunate enough to have friends or family who can watch your children when you are at work, great! But most aren't that lucky. You have to rely on daycare to take care of your children when you're at work. You try and tell yourself, ok, these are licensed staff members I am leaving my children with. But the thoughts of leaving them with strangers at all, makes you sick. Maybe your kids cry everyday when you leave them. That makes for a long, guilt-ridden day at work. I say this because I have been there and know what it feels like.

Your kids are going to get sick from time to time, but the odds of them getting sick as often it they are home full time with your are much less than if they are in daycare everyday. This means no calling into work, telling your boss you can't come in because you have a sick child. You will be home with your child to comfort him or her when they are sick, play with them, and take care of them when they are hurt. This is priceless and no one can do it better than you.

7. Tax Advantages- Many people don't realize the tax advantages offered with a home-based business. I definitely do not claim to be a tax expert, but there are many common things that can be deducted depending on what your business is.

Just to mentions a few, advertising, business miles, supplies, business building information, ex. Audiocassettes, DVDs, just to name a few. If you decide to be one of the millions of Americans to start a home-based business, talk with your tax advisor. He or she will be able to give you more information about what deductions are available to you.

Kristy Breen is a full time Network Marketer. To Learn more about starting your own Home Based business visit her website at Blog40886
Shirleen Blog96247

Take a Closer Look at Career Training

When it comes to career training many people automatically think of getting a college education first. Others think about a vocational education being the key to having a career. Whatever it is that comes to mind it is important to give serious consideration to career training. Without this training a person is most likely going to be stuck in a dead end job with no prospects of bettering oneself.

Before moving on, lets define career training. Basically it prepares students for careers that are traditionally non-academic and directly related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation, hence the term, in which the student participates. It is sometimes referred to as technical education, as the student directly develops expertise in a particular technique or technology.

Career training is a good option for young persons who have not yet entered the workforce. It can also be for persons who are new to the workforce and have limited work experience. Career training can give such persons the opportunity to learn about a profession or skill that will make them more employable. Learning proper on-the-job etiquette and workplace ethics makes them more attractive to employers and gives them a competitive edge over those who have not received such training.

Career training also teaches students techniques, skills and practical solutions that can be used in the real world. It is not just book knowledge that is acquired but actual hands on training. In other words, the student doesnt read about how to do the job the student actually does the job. This is a huge advantage over those who have only studied the theory of how to do a job but never had the chance to practice what they learned. Students who have received training will feel comfortable entering the workplace secure in the knowledge and experience they have gained.

Those who have been in the workforce for many years can also benefit from career training. Oftentimes such people have become bored or stagnant in their present occupation. Training can help them to turn over a new leaf in their life. An entirely new and different career path can be chosen and learned by just about anyone. If a complete career change is more than a person wants to take on, career training can also provide refresher courses and skills upgrades. If a person is happy with their career, but wants to improve their knowledge career training can provide assistance. Expanding their knowledge base can also help those in the workforce make career advancement.

For those who have long been in the workplace but have been laid off, once again, career training can help them get back on track. They can learn a new skill or be re-trained in their former profession. This can give a much needed boost to a bruised ego or revitalize the spirit. This type of training provides that all important focus and direction so that those unemployed can regain control of their professional lives.

So, what can career training do for you specifically:

1. It can train you for employment.

2. Provides specific preparation that may be necessary to perform one or many tasks in your employment.

3. It can give you confidence, so that you have a productive and satisfying work experience.

4. You will obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to perform a particular job with self-assurance.

5. Empower students to advance their career by learning a new skill utilizing step-by-step training

When choosing the right school for you. Keep in mind, the career training program should have the most up-to-date and relevant curriculum. It should be created in cooperation with business and community leaders. The career training programs should provide skills and expertise that are in high demand. In addition, the curriculum should be continually updated to reflect cutting edge concepts, methods and practices, so that your education fully prepares you for today's professional world.

Theres no doubt about it, career training is worth looking into whether young or old, employed or unemployed, skilled or unskilled. Gaining skills, hands on training and a solid work ethic are just a few of the benefits provided by career training. You can be confident that your efforts to improve your professional life will not be in vain but well worth the effort to get you on the road to success.

Sherry Harris is the President & CEO of online career training school, Malibu Institute. For more information on career education courses and programs offered, go to: http://www.MalibuInstitute.comSophronia Blog14194
Shauna Blog96390

Robert Frost was Right: Choosing the Road to the College That's Best For You

The stairway to college is made up of steps that will take you to the higher education that's right for you...and (yes) ONLY you!

How high school and college diverge.

The high school experience moves students through the school system in groups.

Where do you fit in?

How are you viewed? Athlete? Actor? Academic wiz?

To survive and excel in high school, you find that you must meet the expectations for people who are much the same. Yet, in college, and in much of the world after college, the key to excellence, and the route to happiness, is often to carve your own path.

How do you feel when you read this classic poem by Robert Frost?

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Selecting a college or university is not about following the path of everyone else, is it? Ivy League? Or not. Big 10 Football? Or not. While college has become more expensive and competitive, the path you choose may surprise all those around you.

Don't let this idea frighten your parents or shock your friends. Here's the core: Trust the voice inside of you. Small classes: do they appeal to you or stifle you? Trust your emotions when visiting this type of school. A sprawling college campus: Does it welcome you or bore you? Trust your intuition over every choice. And when you meet with two diverging paths, feel proud of the decision to take the one less traveled.

Susan Curtis is Editor of Stairway to College: Navigating the College Admissions Process Sharline Blog99228
Sidonia Blog49542

How to Choose a Legitimate Online Education Institution?

Online education is one of the best things that the internet has to offer. Thanks to online education, people who would have never thought they could get the education they have always dreamed of are now achieving their educational goals. Whether it is working adults, advanced students or senior citizens, people everywhere are singing praises about online education. However, it is extremely important to realize that not all online education is the same. Although there are lots of very good online education institutions, there are plenty (if not just as many) online education programs (which are nothing more than scams) trying to take some of your money. In order to avoid wasting your time and money on a scam, it is important to understand how to choose a legitimate online education institution. By educating yourself on what to look for in a legitimate online education institution, you will be able to easily discern online programs which will truly help you get ahead in life from those that will do nothing more than set you back a couple months and a few hundred dollars.

When evaluating online education institutions, the most important thing you should look for is accreditation. If an online institution, it will be accredited. If it is not legitimate and is actually nothing more than a scam, then it will not be accredited. Although it seems overly simple, it really is that simple to identify what is good and what is not. If an institution is accredited, it will not be difficult to find out. Because of the prevalence of scams on the internet, almost every accredited program will proudly display it on the home page of their web site. These programs know that they are in a field filled with frauds, so they want to make sure that you can trust that they are legitimate. If you have to search around an online education institutions web site to determine whether they are accredited or not, then ninety-nine percent of the time they are not. Although it is possible (even though rare) for an institution to fake the fact that they are accredited, it is the best starting point to weed out potential frauds.

Once you have found a program that is accredited, the next step in your evaluation should be non-biased, third-party reviews. This means you need to find reviews of the online education institution other than those proudly displayed on their web site. This can easily be accomplished by doing a little searching on Google or Yahoo. Honest reviews from individuals who have already had experience with that institution are a great way to not only determine if they are legitimate, but to also get a feel for what the program is really like. Although the institutions can say whatever great things they want about themselves, without reading reviews from other real people, you will never truly get a feel for what the program has to offer and entails. For more information about online accredited degrees please visit

The finally step in evaluating an institution is common sense. In reality, this step should be employed throughout the entire evaluation process. If a program seems too good to be true or raises a flag in your head, then you should avoid that specific institution. Nine times out of ten, your gut feeling will lead you in the right direction, so do not be afraid to follow your common sense. By following the steps listed above, you will not only be able to weed out the bad online programs, but you will also be able to select that one that best fits your situation, needs and goals.

Harris Jhosta is holding the market experience of IT industry and immense business solutions for about 2 decades now. His vast experience in the related field gave him the acclamation and renownship in many sectors of business. Harris has also been involved in providing educatinal services in form of various seminars and lectures, in many well renowned universties. Presently carrying a research on the evolution of business performance by the advent of Information Technology Ciphers in the state university of California.Shellie Blog50818
Shandy Blog19166

Immigration to Canada Documents

For almost a decade (1992 2001), Canada was the best country in the world to live in. Canada had moved back to the 8th position recently, however Canada has recently moved up to 4th position in the United Nations human development survey, and it is now above the United States (only below Norway, Sweden and Australia).

According to the United Nations survey (2004), life expectancy in Canada in 2002 was 79.3 years, compared to 78.9 in Norway, 80 in Sweden, and 79.1 in Australia. Other countries considered to have low human development, have a life expectancy of 48.5 years (Mali) and 46 years (Niger). Canada is one of the countries with the highest life expectancy in the world.

In relation to economic indicators, Canada is also considered one of the best countries in the world. For instance, the GDP per capita in Canada in 2002 was US$ 29,480, compared to US$ 26,050 in Sweden and US$28,260 in Australia. Countries which are considered to have low human development had a GDP per capita of US$1,020 (Kenya) and US$1,390 (Uganda).

Life expectancy in Canada is the worlds highest at 79 years. Canada has moved ahead of the United States in overall rankings and it is getting again closer to the number one spot.

1. Norway
2. Sweden
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. The Netherlands
6. Belgium
7. Iceland
8. United States
9. Japan
10. Ireland

Canada has one of the cleanest environments in the world. Being the 2nd largest country in the world, with a population of over 30 million, most of the countrys land is unspoiled by industrial development. It has some of the cleanest and purest air, water, and natural resources in the world.

Canada also has one of the best Health Care systems in the world. For a monthly fee, Canadians have access to one of the best medical care available. This is an advantage not only for Canadians, but also for Permanent Residents.

The education system in Canada is also one of the most competitive. Education is free until Grade twelve and tuition for University for immigrants with Permanent Resident status is approximately one fourth of the regular fee for foreign students. The public school system in Canada is extremely effective and it provides excellent Elementary and Secondary education programs.

Another advantage of Canada is its cultural diversity. Thousands of immigrants from all over the world arrive to Canada every year to start a new life. Therefore, the country has a very multicultural society, and this fact represents a great advantage for new immigrants, since Canadians are very friendly with people from all different backgrounds. Canada was built up over more than one hundred years by immigrants from all over the world, and Asians have played a role in Canadian society. This fact has resulted in equal opportunities in business, academics, and even politics. Asian communities have been established in Canada for more than a century. Actually, two of the largest Asian communities outside Asia are in Toronto and Vancouver. In most of these cities, Chinese newspapers, Television, and Chinese groceries are available!

In summary, Canada is one of the best countries in the world for you and your family to start a new life. Canada is the best option for your children's future!

Immigration Options

Every year, Canada welcomes thousands of new permanent residents from all over the world to start a new life. This fact represents an excellent opportunity but it is also a great challenge that requires effort and dedication in order to achieve the objective of immigrating successfully.

Canada offers a number of options to immigrate in order to apply for permanent residence status. This guide focuses mainly in the first option, which is applying as a Skilled Worker. As shown in the following graph, more than fifty percent of all immigrants that have been granted the Permanent Residence have entered through this scheme.

However, I will explain briefly the other alternatives.

1. Skilled Worker Class Immigration

In order to fill employee shortages, Canada constantly needs skilled persons from diverse backgrounds. To immigrate under this scheme, the applicant should have education, work experience, knowledge of the official languages in Canada (English and/or French), and other relevant factors. Applicants with substantial work experience and academic qualifications are far more likely to immigrate under the Skilled Worker scheme.

2. Business Class Immigration

This scheme seeks to promote economic development in Canada by attracting successful business people. Business immigrants considered for this category are mainly people that are able to invest in, or start businesses in Canada. This program seeks to attract people experienced in business to Canada in order to support the development of the economy. The Canadian government encourages prospective business immigrants to invest in the country. As a result, foreign business people often find Canada to be an excellent place to invest capital. Business immigrants represent approximately 10% of total immigrants.

Alex Berezovsky is author of the now-famous book Step-by-Step Canadaian Immigration. A book that helps potential immigrants apply for the Canadian Visa on their own. For more information, go to: Blog23613
Sharline Blog99228

Prior To Studying German

The German language possesses words that sound similar, if not, almost to the words of the English language. As a general rule, studying and speaking German together with native German speakers can be enhanced when you have a convenient English-German dictionary in tow. This way, youd know that you wouldnt run out of words the moment you speak it, a handy dictionary can help you a lot in selecting and using the German word whichever situation youre in at the moment.

But dont rest your luck on just handy dictionaries. They arent going to save your neck all the time. Sometimes, your effort and time spent studying and reviewing for German grammar and vocabulary does pay off twice compared to just referring everything to a dictionary. As a student of a foreign language, you always need to remember that there are certain elements to mastering a foreign language.

If you think that its going to take you years before youd be able to master the German language, then, you are right. People who have acquired to learn a foreign language as their second have been exposed to local German speakers for a number of years with continuous studies in grammar and vocabulary. Doesnt sound easy, dont it? But when you find yourself progressing on this subject and when you can actually feel that you are enjoying every minute of studying and speaking German, then you can say that you the German language isnt difficult to learn at all.

It is not obviously. Just think of it this way, you go through the same process when you try to learn other foreign languages, so there isnt any much of difference, really. Once you start speaking German like its your mother tongue, dont just stick to what you have learned previously. There are still more room for improvement. Take advantage of the learning materials you can easily get from online sources, books, magazines and native speaking German friends.

Shareen Aguilar is a writer for which has Memory Improvement Books and Memory Game Software for better German language memorization.Shelby Blog83558
Stafani Blog66840

Coaching Sports Needs Hands On Training

Since being a little girl, my daughter has always excelled in athletics. On the co-ed community baseball team, she was the first female to get to play on first base. Running track and field, she also competed in volleyball. With her history, it was no surprise that she decided after her first year in college to make coaching sports her career. Knowing she was naturally talented in sports, I felt her decision was a good one, but she had never worked with kids before which might present a problem.

To give her hands-on experience coaching kids, applying or a summer job with the parks and recreation department in our town seemed like the perfect idea. Since the programs are open to 10 through 16 year olds, she would be able to determine how well she would do in coaching sports with a different age groups. After applying and interviewing, she found the main positions were filled but she could serve as a helper to the full time coaches. In order to be prepared to fill in for any of the coaches, she had to work with all of the offered sports in all of the age groups.

As soon as the second week, she was asked to fill in for two different coaches. By the second day of that, she had decided coaching sports was not for her after all. Here is a great hobby related website Apparently, the kids did not seem to listen to her or stick to the rules of the game. Although she had never quit anything before, she was seriously considering not even going back the next day. Wanting her to follow through with her commitment, I helped her research articles about coaching young teens. Finding a couple of new techniques, she decided she would try them the next day.

Anxiously waiting to hear her report, I found her coming home almost crying. Although she had tried the new techniques, the kids acted even worse. She had already determined that the summer job had been a good idea so that she didnt waste going to college to learn to coach sports. Even though I encouraged her to try other age groups that might be easier for her to coach, she decided to stick to playing the sports and let someone else do the coaching.

David frequently works with:Stormi Blog1111
Silvana Blog78597

Parenting Your High School Graduate

I am a life coach for parents with young adults who have failed to launch and for young adults navigating the early years of independence. I am also a lawyer and single mom. I have two sons and my youngest, Richard, is just about ready to finish high school. We applied to about six colleges just before Thanksgiving, a rite that I had just done four years ago with his older brother, and now are waiting to hear back for the winning selections. It is worse than Oscar night. Many friends and family tease me about the empty nest. What will I do with the kids gone? I reply that is a fantasy that is one of the best kept secrets. No one wants to admit that in this day and age, we have many young adults not leaving home or coming back home after failed attempts out on their own or after college. The latest number is 18 million young adults living at home and not because they want to do so. The young adult leaving home after 18 was traditional for previous generations, but it is not reality for our generation.

What is going wrong is that no one is preparing our young adults for independence. We want to believe as parents that the schools and colleges are doing that, but they arent. We have both parents working these days and many single parents also working. As parents, we have been lulled into thinking that somehow the schools will launch our kids into adulthood. The sad fact is that our schools are doing a worse job than they ever have. As Dr. Mel Levine says in his book, Ready or Not, Here Life Comes, our high schools have become college prep institutions. This was not the case just 30-40 years ago. The high schools then had been to prepare the student with skills to enter the adult world. There is virtually no preparation in that direction today. The focus is to create better students for college and to obtain better test scores for funding. The student is a product, not a human. But without better parenting and parental involvement at this development stage, we are going to continue to see lost dependent young adults because the fact is, schools are not going to change any time soon.

Right now, according to a Time Magazine article in 2006, about 1/3 of our high school students are dropping out. Ive seen statistics that about 1/3 of our high school students are going to college. That leaves about 1/3 who are simply graduating and trying to find their way. If high schools have become college prep institutions, they are failing 2/3 of our students. When I went to high school, there were three tracks to better serve students and their families. There was the college track in which students took honors classes to prepare them for college. In addition, there was the business track for those going into office related jobs, and there was the technical track which included car repair and the like. The focus very much was on where students would be going after high school and how best to prepare them to work in the real world. The key here is the word, work.

In my coaching, I try to get parents to begin a dialogue with their students in high school about what do they want to do when they grow up. No one is asking teens how they see their life after high school. If you ask any junior or senior, they will say they are going to college because that is what everyone is supposed to be doing. Those who have no intention of going will say they are going to college. We used to be able to say to friends, Im going to get a job at such and such and maybe go to college after a few years. You cant say that now. Somehow work before finishing college is disgusting. Is it any wonder we have young adults returning home?

Parents still need to be involved in raising their high school student. They need to be imparting and supporting a number of skills. Teens need to start living their lives, in part, as adults. They need to wake up on their own, manage time on their own, work in areas they think they might like as a career, drive a car, manage their own money, and pay some of their own bills. Of course, a little course in cooking wouldnt be bad. Parents look at me as if Im nuts. Work? At a job? Theres too much homework or they have too many extracurricular activities to be involved in so that their college applications look good. But every time I have a client put their teens to work and let them manage money and pay their own gas and other bills, a miracle happens. The teen starts to mature. Work ethics dont come with a college degree. They start in the teens or as young adults. My sons both are getting into college and both have worked. Work should accompany college plans. It is a foundation of adult life. My sons have worked at several jobs and found out which ones they dont like and why. This is how young adults figure out where they need to go. A college major is not a job. It is too late after four years, and frequently now, five years of college and thousands of dollars to find out that you arent going to be working in your major.

If your young adult just isnt the college sort, thats fine. In fact, thats more normal than not. They have not failed and neither have you! This is a great journey for them and you. Help them to get the training and the sort of jobs they think they are interested in. I know of many grown adults and young adults who dont finish college. The bottom line is finding out what career path you want and you can only do that if you try it out. College will be more relevant and meaningful if you know where you are going and what you want to do. Research out of Stanford and Brown University shows that the teen brain is continuing to grow until about age 25. These are learning and developing years in the most significant sense. Both of my sons may not go the traditional route of four years of college following high school and then getting a job. I didnt either. My oldest son has gone to two colleges and about to go to a third. He is finding what he likes, where he likes to live and who he is and that is the real goal of growing up, not a degree.

Parents are relieved when I tell them there is no path, just the illusion of one. Their job for the next 4-8 years is one of supporting and helping their young adult to find their way to independence. It is a process to be involved in and enjoyed.

Ellen Gibran-Hesse is a solo practitioner attorney with a B.S. in psychology and a single mother of two sons ages 20 and 17. She has done extensive work in non-profit organizations with teens and young adults and helped family and friends to successfully launch their children into a successful transition into adulthood for over five years. She is currently writing a book to assist other parents and parent groups based on her research and experience. Stephine Blog71618
Sophie Blog27547

Three Houston Schools In Trouble Public Upset Over Possible Closings

Three Houston schools have been persistently rated as unsatisfactory by state guidelines for three or more years. As with most school closing warnings across the nation, the parents, community, and elected officials with a political stake in the area are up in arms over the possibility.

Though parents want their children to attend schools within their own neighborhood, I believe the community must look at the cost of keeping these three schools open the students are failing, unable to meet the bare minimum requirements of the state! With their futures at risk, I would think that parents would want their children at better performing schools.

The Houston schools ratings are based on statewide student achievement tests and the overall dropout and graduation rates of each school. If a proposed policy by the Texas Education Agency is adopted, then the state education commissioner will be able to close in the near future any school that is rated unsatisfactory for four consecutive years. Thus, Houston schools Superintendent Dr. Abelardo Saavedra is only preparing the public, in case the schools do not gain a satisfactory rating at the end of the 2006-2007 school year.

In 2005, Saavedra warned that Kashmere High School, Sam Houston High School, and McReynolds Middle School needed to improve their ratings or drastic measures would be taken. Privatization of the schools was mentioned then; however, the Houston schools currently are preparing for closing the schools, if they again are rated unsatisfactory.

During the last school year, the Houston schools changed administrators at several chronically unsatisfactory schools and a large percentage of the teaching staff at each school. Though tremendous improvement was seen at Kashmere, Sam Houston, and McReynolds, there was not enough progress made and they were again rated as unsatisfactory.

For the 2006-2007 school year, the Houston schools have developed a year-long campaign in hopes of saving the three schools. School hours will be extended in order to provide more instruction time to the students, top-rated teachers have been hired to co-teach in problem classes, and an educational achievement plan will be created for each student. All three schools for this year will be under the supervision of Dr. Karen Soehnge, the Houston schools chief academic officer.

The Houston schools have looked at several strategies to save these schools. The ones they have implemented up-to-now have failed. If this current campaign fails as well, then the schools will be closed. It is a improve immediately or close the doors situation for the schools, the students, and the educators.

All students deserve a quality education, and it is obvious that schools, which continue to be rated unsatisfactory, are not providing such. The Houston schools must do better for these children.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Houston schools visit Blog58014
Stevena Blog87908

Washington DC Schools Improves Its After-school Program

The Wallace Foundation Invests $8 Million in Washington DC Schools

Washington DC Schools after schools and out of school programs are getting a boost from the nonprofit DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation and The Wallace Foundation. The DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation is works to increase the quality, quantity and accessibility of services for children, youth and families in the Washington DC area. The DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation is responsible for giving funds to community organizations for out-of-school time programs, youth entrepreneurship programs, and early childhood development programs and parent centers. The DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation has recently received the promise of $8 million from The Wallace Foundation for Washington DC Schools after school programs. The Wallace Foundation is a national foundation that aims to support the ideas and practices that expand learning and enrichment opportunities. The Wallace Foundation currently lists its three goals as: strengthening education leadership to improve student achievement; enhancing out-of-school learning opportunities; and expanding participation in arts and culture.

The Wallace Foundations Learning in Communities

Washington DC Schools were chosen to be apart of The Wallace Foundations Learning in Communities initiative. Learning in Communities strives to develop comprehensive methods for learning in and organizing after school programs that have very high standards. The Learning in Communities initiative has begun in three Washington DC Schools middle schools, Charles Hart Middle School, Kelly Miller Middle School, and Lincoln Middle School. The program currently serves around 600 students but the plan is to expand the program to all middle schools in the Washington DC Schools. The Learning in Communities initiative has help to establish high quality activities outside of the school day; after school, on weekends, and during the summer.

The Learning in Communities, guided by the DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation, has created partnerships with Washington DC mayors office, Washington DC Schools, leaders, local universities, private foundations, parents, and the community. This partnership is now aiming to add an additional $8 million to the $8 million that has been donated by The Wallace Foundation. This partnership also aims to institute employee volunteers to act as mentors or tutors starting in the 2006-2007 school year.

The Learning in Communities initiative is starting in middle schools in Washington DC Schools due to national educational research that has indicated that middle school age children are the best group to help from failing later. The research shows that middle school students who have one or more of the following risk factors are less likely to graduate from high school. The four identified risk factors are failing English, failing math, poor behavior, and truancy. Middle school students in the Washington DC Schools often must deal with added obstacles, such as living below the poverty line, having limited English proficiency and high truancy rates. Washington DC Schools now have more than 150 programs that serve at least some middle-school students but the Learning in Communities initiative aims to put an after school program in every middle school in the Washington DC Schools. The Learning in Communities initiative will improve Washington DC Schools after school and summer programs by connecting the programs, producing diverse quality programs that fit childrens needs, developing better standards for training providers, and creating a database that will allow officials to match children with after-school programs.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more on Washington DC schools visit Blog78269
Silvie Blog80074

Best Way To Learn A Foreign Language

I have never quite understood how to learn a foreign language. It is a shame too. Learning a foreign language is pretty necessary in this day and age. If you learn foreign language, it makes you more employable in a variety of areas, as well as enhancing your cultural experience. Say what you want about modern translations, but until you learn foreign languages you never get to experience the beauty of foreign writers. Nevertheless, I have only managed to learn a foreign language once, and it was so difficult for me that I doubt I will ever try it again. It was just too much work!

I managed to get all the way through college without ever successfully completing a learn foreign language program. I took a little bit of French in high school, but I dropped it after a couple of semesters. In general, I was a good student. Most subjects came easy to me, but I couldn't manage to learn foreign language no matter how hard I tried. I loved French culture and French literature, and I desperately wanted to learn how to speak French, but it just wouldn't come. I ended up taking an American sign language class to get rid of my learn foreign language requirement. Even that was difficult!

I struggled with learning a foreign language all through college. I went to a liberal arts university that demanded it, and I knew that I could not graduate with the degree that I wanted unless I managed to learn foreign language. I tried using how to speak French software, hiring a private tutor, and working with conversation partners, but nothing worked. I only successfully managed to learn foreign language when I finally went abroad. I spent a year in France, and it was one of the most difficult years of my life. Ultimately, however, it was also one of the most rewarding. I would never have managed to learn foreign language without it, you see.

To this day, I believe that the only way to really learn foreign languages is to completely immerse yourself in another culture. If you can speak English at all, you will not learn how to speak a foreign language. Instead, you will keep falling back on your English skills. If you need to learn foreign language in order to interact on a daily basis, however, it will come much more quickly. If I learned a foreign language in a year, you can probably do it using the same methods in six months!

Rich Henderson runs his own internet marketing business from home. Shayna Blog57299
Sonnnie Blog58623

Online Schools: the Changing Face of K12 Student Learning

With each decade the face of education has changed to reflect the current trends in education. The policy initiatives of each president, governor, community leader and parent have been aimed at transforming children's learning environments into the ideal situation. While these initiatives may never succeed to meet every child's needs the combined result of their work has created an environment where education can now be tailored to meet the needs of every child through online schools.

Much like the advent of the search engine and booking our own airline travel, the Internet has introduced the nation to online education. To many, the commercial products available from higher education degree granting giants like the University of Phoenix define online learning. However, to a growing population of Americans, online schools have come to define the middle ground between home schooling and personalized public education.

While charter schools continue to spring up across the country, there are a select few that have been created in the charter school mold simply because the education establishment can not keep pace with today's innovations. In Ohio for example, the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow (ECOT) was created in 2000 not to revolutionize charter schools, but to bring to Ohio's children and families leading education content in a format designed to enable every child to succeed. ECOT provides every child with an education option that delivers to each student exactly what they need while providing the comprehensive state standards based education that is the hallmark of successful public and private schools.

Other online schools and content companies such as the Florida Virtual Academy and K12 Education are part of a growing trend that brings together the real-life education community and the technology community. In many instances this partnership is a thorn in the side of traditional education and educators who see only standard classrooms as the answer to the ills of the American k-12 system

Online schools have revolutionized the workplace for skilled teachers and administrators. The result of this union is the ability to create a tailored classroom for gifted, struggling and needs-based students that, until the advent of online learning, were often segregated to specialty teaching groups to meet their potential.

The education landscape has changed and for many brick and mortar school districts this is a hard fact to face. The local school boards and education departments in America have begun to realize that business as usual isn't he solution to a rapidly advancing world and have begun to embrace the assets of online education.

Unlike the as-we-know-it classroom the online environment can be adjusted to meet the needs of every child and instill the state standards required of students since the advent of the No Child Left Behind Act without stagnating the classroom experience. From thousands of courses to graduation test practice sessions and immediate intervention opportunities, online schools offers to the students and families of 2006 what the computer breakthroughs of the past several decades offered to the business community. Simply put, online schools have the ability to provide every individual with the right information in the right format at the right time for optimal success.

Online schools were once considered the wave of the future. That future is now and the online revolution continues to shape the world of real life education without the boundaries of classroom walls.

Susan Bond works for - used by several high schools and school districts, including an Ohio online school.Stefania Blog79580
Shannen Blog37150

Make English your cup of tea with English tutor NYC

As countries and policies are moving towards globalization people have started pondering over fluent spoken and written English so that they may not be left behind. English is now the leading used for communication all over the world. It is becoming a medium to communicate from one individual to another, one organization to another, one country to another, one region to the next and last but not the least from one continent to another. This is the very first thing which draw people from all over the world to find an employment and having a good command over written and spoken English are added benefit for it. If you are in search of livelihood and not that much familiar with English then dont be disappointed English tutor NYC is there to make your dream true.

As it is absolutely very important aspect that people who are looking for English tutor NYC are seeking to improve their written and spoken English. The material should be interesting as well as comprehensive so that aspirants learn every lesson with full alacrity. To overcome this problem English tutor NYC uses guided discussions and shared reading to teach particular English reading and writing strategies. The material an English tutor NYC uses is a bit harder but easy to manage by aspirants. Every body realizes that vocabulary is the most important part after grammar so an English tutor NYC teaches students how to improve and update their vocabulary effectively. Its useless to try for reading a newspaper or magazine without knowing the exact meaning of the words used in that. The importance of vocabulary and a general knowledge of the world in reading cannot be underestimated, as it is essential to make English learning enjoyable.

To overcome these difficulties, an English tutor NYC uses a program of vocabulary instruction that is based on word structure and a course of general knowledge instruction so that aspirant can make English learning enjoyable.

Now when the issue is effective writing, English tutor NYC believes that the only effective way to improve writing skills is proper practice and instant feedback and correction. To make people fluent in not only in communicating but in writing too, English tutor NYC makes aspirants write frequently and gives them instant feedback, suggestions and personal attention. English tutor NYC emphasizes the significance of fluent writing and communicating so that student may correct their mistake immediately and speak or write in English independently and without any mistakes. We emphasize the importance of writing multiple drafts and teach self-editing techniques so that our students are eventually able to write well independently. Although they always target for a drastic development in your personality but if one is poor at something they pay him/her extra attention so that he/ she may not get left behind in run of carrier and life.

Its really very good idea to hire an English tutor NYC, All you need to make sure that you are hiring a good tutor. After all it somehow a major factor to decide your professional growth. Make all arrangements that you can to ensure that it is going to help you in building a bright career and your hard earned money is not going to waste.

Hugh Goldsmith is of the view that students must not dread the SAT exams or for that matter any other exams.He helps out students who want advice on any aspects related to exams. For more information on English tutor NYC,visit http://www.prestigeprep.comSheelagh Blog72960
Shane Blog83007

Paying for College: Pre-High School Savings and Financial Aid

Welcome to the first installment of ePreps coverage of college financial aid. I am excited to introduce Don Betterton as the sites most recent guest expert. Don was the director of financial aid at Princeton University for thirty (30) years. During his time at Princeton, aid awards increased from $3.4 million in 1973-74 to $65 million in 2005-06. In this video, Don discusses the simple things you can do now, while your children are young, to help make paying for college easier when they are older and ready to enroll.

College Financial Aid Pre-High School Activities: Saving - The 12 Things You Need to Know

1. Putting aside money for college is a good idea, the earlier the better.

2. Saving beats borrowing hands down.

About 60% of all aid is in the form of loans, and increasing.

Saving: For example, if you start saving when your child is 5 years old, you will have 13 years to save before your child enrolls in college. If you can put aside $167 per month thats $2,000 per year you will have saved $26,000 by the time your child begins college.

With a 6% return over the thirteen-year period, your $26,000 will have grown into $40,000. That $40,000 will be available to help you pay for your childs college expenses like tuition and room and board.

Borrowing:If you choose not to save when your child is young, it is likely that your child will have to borrow to help pay for college. For comparative purposes, lets assume you borrow $40,000 in increments of $10,000 per year for 4 years. Assuming a 6.8% interest rate and a 10 year repayment period, borrowing $40,000 will ultimately cost your child $55,200.

Difference: The difference between borrowing and saving is nearly $30,000 ($55,200 ─ $26,000 = $29,200). Thus, saving beats borrowing hands down.

3. The tax system gives incentives to college savers.

Both state and federal laws allow families to earn tax-free interest on college savings. The following example illustrates the advantage of earning interest tax free:

Assume when your child is born you invest a one-time, lump sum of $18,000 in a state 529 plan (see Points 4 - 6 below to learn more about 529 plans). By the time your child is ready to enroll in college at the age of 18, you will have access to $63,000 in order to help pay for your childs college expenses.

If the same $18,000 were invested in a taxable vehicle with the same rate of return as the 529 plan, after subtracting the federal and state taxes that would be due each year, you would have access to only $43,000 to help pay for college.

The difference, which is essentially a government subsidy to promote college savings, is $20,000, all else being equal. Furthermore, some states actually allow deductions for contributions, making the 529 plan even more attractive to college savers.

4. 529 plans are the most popular and convenient way to save.

There is approximately $100 billion currently invested in state 529 plans.

5. Not all 529 plans are alike.

Each state has its own 529 plan. Investment options and fees may vary from state to state, so it pays to shop around. A couple of useful sites for comparing the different state plans are and

Most state plans have websites that include free electronic college saving calculators to help you decide how much to save in order to meet your saving goals.

6. The money saved in a 529 plan is not forfeited if the beneficiary does not go to college or gets a full scholarship.

Money saved in a 529 plan may be used to pay the college expenses of other family members, including siblings, parents, cousins and stepchildren. The money can even skip a generation and be used for a grandchild in the unlikely event that became necessary.

7. There is no right amount to save. It depends on your financial situation.

8. Do not save for college at the expense of maintaining your normal lifestyle or your retirement.

You dont want to short change the amount you set aside for retirement. If you run out of money, there is no such thing as a retirement loan. On the other hand, it is relatively easy to get a college loan.

9. Two ways to save are:

Save what you can afford after taking care of family expenses.

As was stated in Point 5 above, most state 529 plan websites have free electronic college saving calculators. Other websites, like, have them as well. By using these calculators you can periodically check to see how well your savings are keeping pace with college costs.

Set a target figure. A number to shoot for is the tuition fee at the major public university in your state. For a more ambitious goal, you might use the out-of-state tuition charge. This higher figure would also allow you to accumulate enough savings to pay for a good part of the tuition cost at a private college.

Most college saving calculators found on state websites automatically include information on the current and projected (in-state and out-of-state) tuition rates for the states main universities.

10. If you save in a 529 plan and later apply for aid, you may be subject to a very light penalty in terms of how much the amount you have saved will increase your expected family contribution.

If the childs parents are the owners of the 529 plan, they may be asked to contribute some of that money under the rules of the need formula. (There is no such penalty if the plan is owned by the childs grandparents. See Point 12 below for more on grandparents.) Lets look at the example in order to better understand.

If you, the parent, manage to have $100,000 saved in a 529 plan by the time your child is ready to start college, the first $50,000 will not be considered at all when calculating your childs aid award. (This is one of the ways the system rewards you for saving.) Only 5% of the second $50,000, or $2,500, will be assumed to be available to pay for college. In other words, the amount of your need will decrease by that amount.

Thus, one could argue that by diligently saving $100,000, you are ultimately worse off by $2,500. However, if you consider that you are very likely to have earned around $35,000 in tax-free interest over the saving period, you will realize that by saving you are actually about $32,500 better off.

11. There are other ways to save besides 529 plans. To look into other options, it is best to consult with a financial advisor.

Remember to choose an advisor who in very familiar with all applicable aid rules. The need formula treats savings differently depending on whether the parent or the child is the owner.

12. Grandparents too can help through 529 plans.

Based on a recent poll, two-thirds of grandparents say they are interested in helping to pay for their grandchildrens college education. It is worthwhile to know, that money saved in grandparent-owned 529 plans is not considered when calculating the grandchilds aid award. Furthermore, grandparent-owned 529 plan savings are not counted as part of the grandparents estate for estate tax purposes.

Karl SchellscheidtSharna Blog60805
Sissy Blog65682

Seattle Schools A Unique District

SUPERINTENDENT: On Thursday, April 12, the district board for Seattle Schools voted 6-0 to offer the position of Superintendent of Seattle Schools to Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson. "We are delighted to attract such a high-caliber superintendent to Seattle," said Board President Cheryl Chow. School Board Director Michael DeBell, who is chair of the board's finance committee, had this to say, "When Dr. Goodloe-Johnson stepped into the superintendent role in Charleston County, she inherited a budget deficit," said DeBell. "Not only did Maria turn that situation around, but she also led her team to examine all expenditures. This mirrors the work that we have started here in Seattle Schools, and I am confident that Dr. Goodloe-Johnson will sustain and enhance those efforts."

ENVIRONMENTAL EFFORTS: The Seattle Schools system has made a major commitment to reducing greenhouse gases. Some of the actions the district has taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions include:

* Changing the heating and cooling set points to reflect a broader temperature range.
* Performing mechanical upgrades on operating equipment to increase efficiency.
* Reducing garbage and recycling pick-ups
* Adapting the time that computers automatically shut off
* Expanding the student-run composting program
* More efficient irrigation schedule for Seattle Schools sports complexes

APPOINTING NEW SEATTLE SCHOOLS PRINCIPALS: Before leaving office, former superintendent Raj Manhas appointed new principals for 8 Seattle Schools:

-Aki Kurose Middle School Academy
-Alki Elementary School
-The Center School.
-Eckstein Middle School.
-McClure Middle School
-Nathan Hale High School.
-The New School
-Whittier Elementary School.

TESTING WATER QUALITY: Seattle Schools consider student health and safety a top priority. Over the past several years, Seattle Schools have developed and implemented a national standard for drinking water quality in public schools. This initiative is driven by a Seattle Schools policy on drinking water. The policy, adopted in 2004, sets standards for the maximum levels of lead, copper, iron and cadmium in all of Seattle Schools drinking water.

THEATER DIRECTOR: Theater Puget Sound honored Roosevelt High School Theater Director Ruben Van Kempen with the 2007 Gregory A. Falls Sustained Achievement Award in a ceremony on June 4 at the Seattle Center. The award honors those who have devoted time, energy and talent to Seattles theater community. Recipients also have had careers that demonstrate an influence on theater, locally and beyond.

LONGEVITY: Coe Elementary School celebrated its 100th anniversary this year. The school recently went through a major historic renovation, which was completed in 2002. This Queen Anne Hill landmark was renovated with Building Excellence I funds.

ENTREPRENUERS: Students at the Seattle Schools Secondary Bilingual Orientation Center (BOC) are learning how to speak, read and write English. They are also learning how to run their own successful businesses by selling greeting cards featuring original artwork that they create. All proceeds go to the schools scholarship fund which aims to help needy SBOC graduates start their own small businesses.

SBOC is a school for refugee and newly-arrived immigrant students.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog1533
Sibbie Blog49444

NextStudent Offers PLUS Loans for Graduate and Professional Students

According to Phoenix-based NextStudent, a premier education funding company, the proliferation of graduate and professional programs has led to new sources of education funding designed to benefit these goal-orientated students who are, in essence, beginning their career by continuing on in their education. As the job market in the United States continues to generate a need for applicants who are highly competitive in specified fields from technology to the ever-growing medical field, undergraduate students across the country are beginning to feel the squeeze as graduate and professional degrees become must-haves for even intermediate and entry-level positions.

The decision to continue education onto the graduate and professional level is one that oftentimes comes with considerable financial stress because of the continued financial obligation. However, NextStudents Graduate PLUS Loan ( Program may allow borrowers to fund up to the full cost of their education (less any financial aid received), including living expenses, books, supplies and even computers.

NextStudent now offers a PLUS Loan Program for graduate and professional students with rates starting as low as 8.5 percent. The Graduate PLUS Loan Program features the same benefits directly to graduate and professional students that parents of undergraduate students receive from traditional PLUS loans ( Because NextStudent Graduate PLUS loans are federally sponsored, they offer many of the perks of traditional PLUS loans, including eligibility for federal student loan consolidation (, tax-deductible interest and a variety of repayment options.

Eligibility and Credit Resolution

NextStudent offers a simple online application process through E-Signature, and many prospects who apply online qualify within minutes. Also offered is a second look for borrowers who receive an initial denial because of unresolved credit issues. NextStudent has a PLUS Credit Resolution Team that has an 87 percent success rate at resolving borrowers credit issues, resulting in funded PLUS loans.

Graduate PLUS loans ( easily are accessible to many students. To qualify a student must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen. Although a credit check is required, many students with limited or no credit history still qualify for Graduate PLUS loans.

Flexible Repayment Options and Aggressive Incentives

With all the great incentives offered by NextStudent and its Graduate PLUS Loan Program, now is the right time for students to take the next step and go for their graduate degree.

NextStudent Graduate PLUS loans offer several repayment options including deferred repayment while a student is enrolled in school at least half time, and there are no prepayment penalties, ever. There also is a 3 percent cash rebate at repayment on the remaining principal balance after the first 12 months of consecutive on-time payments when student borrowers pay through Auto-Debit. In addition, a 2 percent interest rate reduction is available after the first 48 months of consecutive on-time payments when student borrowers pay through Auto-Debit. Student borrowers receive a .25 percent reduction when they choose repayment through Auto-Debit.

NextStudent, federal lender code 834051, is dedicated to helping students and their families find affordable ways to pay for college. NextStudent offers one-on-one education finance counseling and has a portfolio of highly competitive education finance products and services including a free online scholarship search engine, federally guaranteed parent and student loans, private student loans, both federal and private student loan consolidation ( programs, and college savings plans.

The NextStudent Scholarship Search Engine, one of the nations oldest and largest scholarship search engines, is updated daily, available free of charge, completely private and represents 2.4 million scholarships worth $3.4 billion.

For more information about NextStudent and its student loan programs, please visit the companys Web site at

Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.Storey Blog83352
Sheelagh Blog72960

Online Degree Programs

An online university degree can help to increase one's chances of earning a higher income from a job, instead of settling for a position that will limit them because of lack of education. Online university degree offers wide variety of online programs; such as Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctorate, and Professional courses. The specific courses offered include disciplines such as business management and administration, criminal justice, health, information technology, nursing, education, human resources, call center professional training, and project management.

Studying on the Internet is a convenient way to earn an education because it won't interfere with work and saves time and energy. Online university degrees can help students to pace themselves and get needed schooling while still enjoying life. The classes offered through an online university degree might only require a minimal amount of work during the week as opposed to classes at a regular college. That can be an added benefit so as not to overload the student's schedule.

Internet programs can be helpful because their courses are designed to interact with professors on an email or Internet basis, instead of being engaged in class work and group projects which is a time consuming process for the workers and employers. Those falling into this category might benefit from pursuing an Internet degree. There are numerous websites that offer profiles for different colleges and universities, including web universities.

Web studies can be a blessing to those who desire to use their time and talents in the required period. They work hard and might be serving in remote countries that don't have schools near them. That's where an online university degree can be a great asset.

There is a wide choice of online courses that are offered by various colleges and universities. Some of the courses offered are general, while others are specific. It is therefore important that you survey all the options available, and then identify the course that is best suited to your requirements and the university that is best equipped to provide you with an in-depth learning of the course. Ensure that the teaching faculty for the course of your choice is qualified and that all necessary technical support will be provided to you in your online communications with the Institute.

After having decided your specific course and the learning center, you need to open a channel of communication with the institution. Each institution can provide the student with specific requirements. An online degree program may include purchasing textbooks or purchasing an e-book which allows the student to access the book online, usually at cheaper costs. Through an online degree program, links might be provided in the course syllabus allowing for additional instruction or templates to use to complete class assignments. Do a search on the Internet today for online degree programs and find out the vast opportunities available to anyone possessing a computer and Internet service. Attending an online university is a legitimate, convenient, and flexible way for you to advance you education, as well as your career and personal potential.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website For more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog31238
Sheelagh Blog87195

Astronomy And Kids

During the clear night sky and as long as the city lights are not close or bright enough to interfere with your naked eye vision, it is always a good idea to grab a blanket and some candles and head to your house's roof or the nearest hill. Admiring the stars is not an exclusive activity kids are only allowed to perform, but it can be something you can share with them while introducing them to the unknown world of the universe.

If your child has already looked up gazing the moon and the stars and has asked you all sort of questions regarding their characteristics, their special stories and the interpretation of their slow movements, you should invest some time during a Saturday night to take your kids to the countryside and show them the stars while they awe and wonder on how these "pins" are stuck on the dark sky and why they are not visible during the day. Introducing your child to the marvels above their heads can be a tremendously educative experience your kids will love to repeat as soon as possible. Even your back yard is an ideal place to begin the learning journey that can last a lifetime. But parents support that most of the times getting started is the hardest part of this process.

If your young child has not yet learned the basics, then it is probably wisely to throw on your yard's lawn some blankets and invite your children to join you under the stars. Asking first questions, before trying to explain how things are, can assist you to figure out what they should learn first and begin teaching them the first astronomy lesson in their lives. After locating the sky's landmarks try asking questions that will excite your children and will motivate them to want to find out more. You can begin by locating the most easily recognizable element of the sky, the Moon before attempt to begin explaining why although the moon does not spin around itself, we actually see a portion of it every day until we are able to admire it as a whole. Furthermore you can look for other landmarks in the sky, like stars, in order to begin explaining the astronomical constellations. Your children will be thrilled to be able to admire such interesting scenery simply by looking at the moon's surface and create imaginative stories for the stars.

While children are still in elementary and middle school, they are more already exposed to stars and constellations. But the number of constellations and stars we are able to see each year is actually a very small number out of the plethora of stars in the sky. But if your last present to your teenager kid was a pair of binoculars, then things become even simpler. Bring a book about astronomy (suitable for your kids age) and begin reading and explaining to your children what you are reading really means.

Remember that outdoor learning activities can be as simple as noting the time and location of sunset and moon rise, and as complicated as finding the names of the brightest stars in the sky during a clear night. Of course, you can repeat it as often as you like if the weather permits such outdoor activities for a family to get together. But even if the weather conditions do not allow you to go out and admire the night sky, next to a good pair of eyes, the Internet is the backyard stargazer's best friend. Today, you will be able to find here are almost as many great websites devoted to astronomy as there are stars in the sky.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog71204
Suellen Blog42590

Why Plan an After Prom Party

From the time I enrolled my daughter in elementary school it seemed that the world was out to ruin her innocence.

Her know-it-all six year old friends with older brothers and sisters shared the worlds reality with her on a daily basis. And I, who was happy living in the land of talking stuffed animals, was in no hurry to debate the concept of Santa Claus.

Unfortunately, that age of innocence doesnt last long enough. Whether we like it or not, reality plops itself on the sofa in our living room and sits there while our children struggle through adolescence. About the time that were able to find some common ground, theyre talking to us about claiming their independence and graduating from high school.

If theres one thing Ive discovered in parenting, its that we can protect our children from many things when theyre under our roof. Once theyre out of sight however, their own their own. Of course, this doesnt necessarily mean anything bad will happen; unless theyre with one of those know-it-all friends theyve known since the first grade.

Seriously, peer influence can be a constant source of challenge, growth, and heated conversations in homes across America. In addition to marketing messages that conflict with our parenting goals, our teenagers are heavily influenced by their friends. Therefore, its imperative that we do what we can to guide and protect them.

The pressure to experiment with alcohol and drugs is a constant source in the lives of teenagers and is often the gateway to risky sexual encounters. In addition to alcohol, many teenagers resort to tobacco, club drugs, inhalants, steroids, and methamphetamines just to fit in. Why not make it easy for them to just say no on prom night!

Because prom night is seen as a right of passage, anything parents can do to create an alternative to rented hotel rooms and unsupervised parties is a wise idea. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (see, on the weekend of my daughters prom in May 2000, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, FARS data reported that there were 246 total traffic fatalities. From the Prom/Graduation Weekend Alcohol-Related Fatalities 2000 report, 136 of the motor vehicle traffic fatalities (55.2%) were alcohol related.

With the help of the community and one another, parents can take a stand against the negative persuasion and fight the devastating statistics as reported by the NHTSA. By following the outline in the After Prom Party Guide, parents can plan and implement an After Prom party to keep their teenagers off the street after the prom. Designed to insure the safety and well being of high school teenagers, all-night After Prom parties are a sure bet for free food, fun and entertainment.

Although most parents come to accept the fact that their children do make their own choices and they cant blame the first grade friends for every bad decision, no parent wants the challenge of what if questions of themselves. Prom night is supposed to be a wonderful time - lets make it our mission to keep our teenagers safe and off the streets. That idea was the motivation and the inspiration behind the After Prom Party Guide.

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Lori Heatherington's experience with after prom party planning began when she took it upon herself to coordinate an after prom party for her daughter's senior class. That event and ensuing research resulted in her new book, the After Prom Party Guide, available at Shay Blog43034
Shanon Blog1533

Find Your Creative Muse With A Career In Cosmetology

There are a lot of different careers available to anyone with the right skills. What about those of us that tend to be more creative and just can't stand the thought of sitting through four more years of schooling? The answer may be in exploring a career in Cosmetology.

To work in this field does require obtaining additional training and experience typically received through a beauty college. Beauty colleges however are unlike the hours of book work and study that is offered at the local community or four year college however. Much of the schooling is in the form of training for your future work in the field.

Much of beauty college is the study of "how to" and practical application offering real, usable information. Yes, there is book work and study but the main focus is to get the you ready and competent to work in the field or cosmetology as an aesthetician. Most states require that you pass a written exam and have a certain number of hours experience. This is where a good beauty school ready shines. Part of the curriculum is actually hands on doing the hours on real people. Many people go to beauty schools to get their hair, nails, and even waxing done at a cut rate price. For the lower price, the customer has a student doing the work, which gives them experience, all under the watchful eye of knowledgeable staff.

There are many career paths that open once you receive your certification how about these ideas to launch your career.

1. There's the typical hair and nail salon. These are the franchised hair cutting places that seem to be popping up everywhere. This is mass produced haircutting. Your income is based a lot on the speed you're able to complete each customer.

2. Then there's the more exclusive salon. Many who work in these establishments have developed not only a clientele but a reputation for high quality work. it's not unusual for a stylist in these high end salons to charge well over 100 dollars for a simply haircut and style.

3. Home care or shut in personal service. If working for yourself is a dream, there are many older citizens with less mobility that would love home beauty care.

4. Working in the entertainment industry. Make-up artists and aesthetician positions are available to those with the right certifications.

5. How about working with the dead. That's right, funeral homes employ cosmetology specialists to make the deceased look their best for the family viewing. This can actually be very lucrative because many people simply can't imagine working with dead bodies.

These are but a few of the many opportunities open to anyone with a certification in cosmetology. So if you're creative, talented and love working with people, consider a beauty college to get on this interesting and challenging career path.

Abigail Franks writes on a variety of subjects which include family, home, and business. For more information on having a career in cosmetology and beauty schools visit the site at Blog46090
Sheilakathryn Blog82188

Long Island Schools Improve in the 2005-2006 School Year

Long Island Schools Meet State and Federal Standards

Long Island Schools had over 30 schools not meet the New York State Standards for the 2004-2005 school but this year the number of schools rose dramatically. Schools that succeeded this year that had not last year include East Hampton, Ronkonkoma, Mineola, and Valley Stream. The Long Island Schools ratings were based on New Yorks expectations of a schools test scores and graduation rates. These standards were met in part because of many Long Island Schools have greatly improved their education methods and instructional opportunities for those students with learning disabilities. Several Long Island Schools did not attain the required state scores from their special education students last year. During the 2005-2006 school year more teachers and paraprofessionals were hired throughout all Long Island Schools which allowed students with disabilities to be in inclusion programs and have smaller class size. A lot of these changes have been inspired by the No Child Left Behind Act that required Long Island Schools to raise the mathematics and language arts scores of all students with emphasis placed on specific student groups including whites, blacks, Hispanics, the poor and the disabled. The students in these groups should achieve higher percentages of success every year with the goal being 100% proficiency by 2014. Currently around 83% of all New York schools meet the academic requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act.

Among the Long Island Schools that did not meet standards last year that did succeed this school year include: Comsewogue High School, Center Moriches High School, Ronkonkoma Junior High School (Connetquot), Walter G. O'Connell Copiague High School, East Hampton High School, Eastport-South Manor High School, Harborfields High School, Hauppauge High School, G.W. Hewlett High School (Hewlett- Woodmere), Hicksville High School, Huntington High School, Island Trees High School, RJO Intermediate School (Kings Park), Lindenhurst Middle School, Long Beach Middle School, Newfield High School (Middle Country), Mineola Middle School, Oceanside High School, Saxton Middle School (Patchogue-Medford), South Side Middle School (Rockville Centre), Joseph A. Edgar, Intermediate (Rocky Point), Roslyn High School, Sachem High School North, Pierson High School, Floral Park High School (Sewanhaka), New Hyde Park High School (Sewanhaka), Sewanhaka High School, Walt Whitman High School (South Huntington), Southold High School, Ward Melville High School (Three Village), Valley Stream Central High School, and Westbury High School.

Seniors in Long Island Schools Win New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship

New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship awards a $4,000 scholarship to one senior at every New York high school paid in $1,000 increments each year for university study. This year Long Island high schools in Suffolk School District and Nassau School District had one senior from each high school receive a New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship. To be eligible for the New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship students must meet the following requirements:

Scholarships can only be used toward the cost of attendance at a New York State accredited college, university, community college or trade school

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Shannen Blog80033
Shirlee Blog35103

Getting a Jump Start on Work-Study Opportunities Can Pay Off

Since some colleges start posting available work-study positions as early as the summer, students looking for first dibs on campus jobs in the fall can get a leg up on their competition by hammering out that perfect rsum and cover letter now. According to NextStudent, a leading Phoenix-based education funding company, work-study programs can be a great option for students who need a little help meeting their college expenses.

The Federal Work-Study Program makes part-time jobs available for both undergraduate and graduate students with qualifying financial need. A work-study job allows students to earn a paycheck while usually still giving them enough flexibility to navigate their class schedule. Students might work on campus or off, honing in on a career in a job related to your major, or testing out a new career path by stepping into a position completely different from anything theyve done before. Work-study jobs are required to pay at least the current federal minimum wage, but students might earn more, depending on the type of work they choose and the skills they bring to the table.

The Advantages of Work-Study

 Flexibility. Work-study jobs are often much more flexible than other part-time work. Where students in nonwork-study jobs might run into long work days or overtime that can compete with school, work-study employers tend to be more accommodating, offering less rigid hours, especially around midterms and finals. And to help keep work-study from interfering with classes, schools will typically cap an undergraduate students work week at 20 hours.

 Convenience. Students who snag a work-study job on-campus pretty much have it made. They save on gas money, they can take a ten-minute walk to work straight out of class or out of bed, and they can make plans to meet their friends back at the dorm another ten-minute walk after their shift ends.

 Variety. Since work-study can take place either on- or off-campus, students have a wealth of options available to them. Work-study positions can range from research assistants to elementary school tutors to art gallery docents. Some financial aid counselors and work-study employers will encourage students to apply for those opportunities related to their major or to their field of interest And if students cant find a work-study position they like, they can always go to a campus department to discuss creating a new position that fits their skill set.

 Experience. Work-study allows students to start building their work history while still in school, and can help put them a couple steps ahead of those students who chose not to work. When the post-graduation job-hunting starts, prospective employers may look more favorably on graduates who were able to balance the demands of their schooling with the scheduling requirements of work.

Applying for Work-Study

Students interested in work-study positions must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and mark yes when asked if they are interested in student employment. To qualify, students will need to demonstrate sufficient financial need, enroll in a minimum number of credit hours, and meet other requirements.

Students who qualify for work-study will be notified by their universitys financial aid office. A work-study award is not a guarantee of employment, so students need to be diligent about pursuing and applying for available work-study positions. Students who dont receive a work-study award and believe they are eligible to receive one should make an appointment with a financial aid counselor to discuss their options. Some schools may offer to put students on a waiting list.

NextStudent believes that getting an education is the best investment you can make, and it is dedicated to helping you pursue your education dreams by making college funding simple. Learn more about Student Loans (, Private Student Loans ( and Student Loan Consolidation ( at

Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.Sheryl Blog23613
Shaylynn Blog12777

Why is Microsoft Afraid of Google?

We've all been wondering what's Google trying to do. Why is Microsoft so afraid of them. Why Eric Schmidt joined the Apple Board of Directors.

Let's go back in time for a moment and see how they started: The company founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, were not terribly fond of each other when they first met as Stanford University graduate students in computer science in 1995. And although they argued about every topic they discussed, the two founders started working on a search engine called BackRub, named for its unique ability to analyze the "back links" pointing to a given website.

In 1998 they finally hit the jackpot and got $100.000 from Andy Bechtolsheim, one of the founders of Sun Microsystems. He made a check out to Google, Inc. Nice, you might say. But Google, Inc didn't existed back then. Ultimately they brought in a total initial investment of almost $1 million.

The Google Search Engine launched in beta, and after short time it was already answering 10.000 search queries each day. Google was moving up in the world. One year later (1999), Google was already serving 500.000 search queries each day, with nearly 8 employees and a garaje office.

In 2000 Google was already the number one search engine in the world. They moved to the Googleplex, hired more and more people, and since then, what started to be a college project became the most innovative company on the planet. They are constantly improving their search algorightm, launched Adsense, a context-based advertising system, Gmail, a email solution that revolutionized the free email market, by offering 1gb storage (and constantly growing, reaching almost 3gb now), Spredsheats, Analytics, Writely, Calendar, Reader, Browser Synchronize, and much more.

Now let's see why Microsoft is so afraid of Google. First of all, the speed. Microsoft has been trying for the last few years to launch Vista, their new operating system. Their corporate system isn't working in a world where information and innovation is everything. The Google guys launch new products on a weekly basis, they are building enormous datacenters, and all this is done with a strategy in mind, no doubt about it.

So where is Google heading? Looking back in history, it's really simple. The Google OS. Online. Wouldn't it be awesome to have all your information online and be able to use it anywhere on the planet, from any computer? Yes, that's where they're heading, and it's not going to be that long until they get there.

Emi Gal is a young romanian mathematician, engineer and entrepreneur. He started his first business at 17 years old. Sold it one year later. Currently hes running Brainient, a software development and IT outsourcing company located in Romania, with representatives in France and UK. For more details check Blog47637
Shana Blog3250

The Benefits Of Distance Learning

Distance Learning or Home Study has come a long way since Isaac Pitman taught shorthand via correspondence courses in the 1840s. However the huge benefits of studying from home, or from the workplace, remain the same.

First of all, with a Distance Learning course you enjoy the freedom of being able to study in your own time and at your own pace. Thats because Distance Learning courses are carefully designed to fit in with your life.

Whether you wish to improve your life, increase your job prospects or simply study a hobby that you are interested in, more and more people are choosing to study from home as it fits in comfortably with their lifestyle.

There are many fully-accredited Distance Learning providers in the UK today (type distance learning home study or distance education into and youll find most of them), offering a huge range of interesting, educational courses available for study.

Distance Education courses available for home study can include anything from Airline Training to Art Studies, Book-keeping to Business & Management, Counseling to Child Care and Writing to Web Design. You will find courses on things like Wedding Planning and Event Management, Nail Technician, Animal Care and Behavioureven courses such as Diet & Exercise, Forensic Science and How to Start Your Own Business. On some vocational courses you may even qualify for a career Development Loan from the government.

But you are not alone when you study from home. Distance Learning providers (or Home Learning agencies as they are sometimes called) employ professional student advisors and fully qualified tutors to mark and help you with your coursework. Most Home Study courses provide learners with an accredited diploma which helps them increase their job prospects, change their lifestyle or even start their own business.

Many Distance Learning providers offer interest free credit schemes to help students spread the cost over a period they can afford. Also look out for special discount offers.

Looking for a better job, a better future, a better life? Then take up a Distance Learning course today and change your life forever!

Course Author

Shaun L Bird

Shaun L BirdSigrid Blog6947
Sonni Blog5393

Language Preparation Courses for Academic Year 2007/2008 in Italy

Florence, Italy July 18, 2007 -- Are you going to enroll to the Italian University?

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Italian language school in Milan and Rome, thanks to its 30 years experience in teaching Italian for professionals, is able to offer language courses for people who want to study at University in Italy and need to learn a specific language.

To be admitted to the Italian University, students have to pass an entrance exam (Italian language, scientific subjects) which will take place in September at the faculty chosen by the attender.

The Preparation courses for University studies ( are offered by our Italian language schools in Milan and Rome in the field of Medicine and Architecture. The courses are addressed also to those students who, due to the "Numerus Clausus" in their own country, are unable to matriculate for these faculties.

In the preparation courses ( students will learn the specific language needed thanks to the help of highly qualified and experienced lecturers.

Purpose of the courses is not only to address students toward a successful entrance examination at university, but also to enable them to start their academic studies in the most appropriate way, through a careful tuition of many examination subjects which belongs to the first university year.

During the last thirty years Scuola Leonardo da Vinci has prepared several hundred students to successfully pass the entrance exams for Italian universities.

The courses start on July, the 30th, while the admission exams will be on the first week of September:

3rd September Architecture
4th September Medicine and Surgery
5th September Dentistry
6th September Veterinary

For general questions, contact the Marketing Office of Scuola Leonardo da Vinci.

Information and Registration Center (Florence, Italy)
Tel.: +39-055-29.03.05
Fax: +39-055-290396

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci is one of Italy's largest provider of in-country Italian courses in Italy since 1977. It is present in the most beautiful cities of Italy (Florence, Milan, Rome and Siena). Each year the company welcomes students from 60 countries to its Italian language schools.Silvie Blog71272
Stormy Blog63188

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